Minnesota Standard Visitation Schedule

In Minnesota there is no set standard visitation schedule. Parents are encouraged to come to a schedule that works for both of them as well as is looking out for the best interest of the child. In situations where an agreement cannot be reached it is left up to the judge to set a schedule. This schedule will most likely not be very specific and will generally include basic visitation rotations such as a couple of weekday/ weeknight visits, alternating weekends, legal holidays that alternate year-to-year, and a two-week vacation each year (usually specified as being taken over summer break).

You may be in a situation that requires a more specific schedule. For example if one parent is likely to be uncooperative with setting exchange times or give adequate notice of intended vacation times, etc., you may need to put together a proposal for a very specific schedule that includes set vacations, set exchange times and places, and specific days and times for holidays.

It is advisable to consider using a mediator to attempt to negotiate the visitation schedule before taking it to the court system. By using a mediator you are more likely to find a solution that will allow a more appropriate schedule for your child. For instance, your situation may be that the other parent does not want overnight visits or is incapable of managing overnight visits. If this is the case, it would be wise to adjust the visitation schedule to eliminate or reduce overnight visits. On the other hand, you may want to split the parenting time more evenly than what would be offered through the court system.


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